Another 95 Theses

33: Evolution profoundly contradicts the Bible and foundational Christian doctrines, but has been proven by overwhelming evidence, and theological imperative for creationism does not equal truth about science. (See also Price and Suominen, Evolving out of Eden.)

35: Having published a book in 1986 that backtracked from Luther’s young-earth creationism while making ill-informed criticisms of evolution and condemning it as “outrage to the word of God,” the SRK is now backtracking further, away from creationism itself.

36: The church’s emphasis on “sin corruption” based on an inaccurate view of human origins fosters an unhealthy self-loathing and turns God into a second-rate creator who made “man in his own image,” saw everything that he had made, including man, as “very good,” and then stood by helpless to prevent the serpent—one of his creatures—from corrupting man, the supposed crown of creation.