There are no items relevant to “faith level” #5—Christian in the category Absolution.
In order of decreasing difficulty and more general theology, the “faith levels” are: LLC (U.S.), SRK (Finland), Laestadian, Lutheran, Christian, Theist. You will see fewer difficulties when looking at a broader theology, i.e., “lower” level. The more doctrinal requirements that a creed or belief has, the more problems it will encounter with reality.
The items are listed on the left side of this page. Each one has a list of hyperlinked references to numbered sections of An Examination of the Pearl that discuss that particular issue.
Clicking one of the links will bring up that section of the book here, in this right-hand scrollbox.
Below the section references is a list of corresponding page numbers to the printed edition of EOP.
To navigate through the list of items, move your mouse pointer to the left side of the page and use the mouse wheel and page up/down keys as usual.
To read through the book in this scrollbox, use the mouse wheel while the mouse pointer is hovering here, over this white part. You can also use the vertical scrollbar, or click somewhere in this white part and use page up/down and arrow keys. (Then you’ll have to click somewhere to the left outside this box to restore normal scrolling of the list of thesis items, though.)
To go back to the beginning and see my introduction to these 95 Theses, click here.
The main website for EOP.
My second book, Evolving out of Eden. More theological problems
for Christianity (Sorry!), courtesy of Charles Darwin.
A great book by Charles Shingledecker (a Christian), edited by me
and published by Tellectual Press, that will (released
November 12) offer illumination and companionship to troubled
believers walking through the “dark night of the soul.” What Ed taketh
away, Chuck giveth—apologies to Job.
The Extoots Blog
An invaluable collection of postings and well-thought out comments
about Laestadianism (LLC, OALC, FALC, etc.), giving silent solace to
dubious Laestadians crouched behind their computer screens for a
decade or so now.